Become a Ranger (online form)

Online Membership Application

BEFORE STARTING TO FILL OUT THIS FORM, CLICK <Here> TO READ THE “Rangers, Inc. Membership Agreement & Waiver”

I am applying for

Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)

Street Address

City, State, Zip code

Primary Phone

Secondary Phone (if you have one)



Date of Birth (you must be at least 21 years old to join the Rangers)


Leather Affiliations (If you don’t have any yet, enter NONE)

Explain why do you want to join the Rangers?

To submit your applicatioin, you need to have TWO sponsors that are currently a dues paying Ranger who is in “Good Standing”(Full, Associate or Alumni)

Click here that you have read the “Rangers, Inc. Membership Agreement & Waiver and that you agree to the terms.

Type your FULL LEGAL NAME here, which will act as your legally binding signature

Enter todays date


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